+202 23421941 Sunday - Thursday 09:00 - 17:00 3 El Gabal El Akhdar Building, EL-Nasr Road, Flat #52, Cairo, Egypt.

Board For The Study Of The Automatic Control Technology

Model No. DL 26ACTR

The board covers the following topics and experiments:
the transfer characteristics, the behavior in transitory conditions, the time constants, the 1st and 2nd order processes, the higher order processes, the dead time, etc.
The knowledge of the typical characteristics of the process is extremely important for a correct approach to the design of a control system. For such reason, before studying the typical behaviors of the controllers, it is necessary to analyze all the possible characteristics that the process to be controlled can practically have.
This trainer has a modular structure and it consists of didactic panels installed on a vertical frame.
It is supplied with a theoretical and practical manual.
The modularity of this didactic system can give the students a direct and immediate approach to the topics,

-P-type process
-I-type process
-I2-type process
-1st order process
-Higher than 1st order process
-P controller
-I controller
-D controller
-PI controller
-PD controller
-PID controller
-P control, P-type process
-P control, 1st and higher order processes
-2nd order I control, I-type processes
-Ziegler-Nichols dynamic method
-Chien-Hrones-Reswick static method
-2 position controller, 1st order process
-2 position controller, delayed feedback, 2nd order process
-2 position controller, elastic feedback, 2nd order Process

On request, the board can be provided complete with data acquisition and processing software in Labview environment.
The software will guide students to the performance of the experiments and will process the data to draw the relevant graphs.
The software (DL ACTSW) needs an interface for connection to the board (DL 1893).

For more details download catalogue from here

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