+202 23421941 Sunday - Thursday 09:00 - 17:00 3 El Gabal El Akhdar Building, EL-Nasr Road, Flat #52, Cairo, Egypt.



The system has been designed for the study of electronic systems with can bus architecture, based on CAN OPEN protocols.

The system is composed of a hardware unit and of a software for the analysis of the bus: through the analogue or digital modification of the values of the can module (by means of the software) it is possible to check how the system (hardware) reacts to errors.

Thanks to the functions of the software, there are different possibilities for disturbing the input signal, so that it is possible to simulate the different situations of errors in the operation of an industrial machine.

The purpose of this system is to investigate the concepts of network protocols and distributed automation, using the software tools in order to analyze the network data, and then to perfect the technique for the realization of software that is robust against errors and anomalies in the network. The system has the objective of allowing students to understand the operation of a network based on CAN field bus and to implement the tools for programming and, therefore, designing systems based on CAN-BUS architectures.

The teaching of a field bus can be implemented from different points of view:
– Physical layer (design and choice of control boards and sensors, electric signals processing), Communication layer (study of data transmission), Application layer (analysis of the process), Devices programming layer (CAN network devices configuration), System programming layer (software programming for process management).
– For all sessions, it is possible to simulate faults.
– It is addressed to students of technical schools (electronics and IT) and universities and to students of training courses for technical personnel.

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